Noragami: Stray God quotes



Noragami: Stray God (manga, 2010)

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Yato: All right! Okay! Fine! Hanki... I release you. Just so you know, as a parting piece of wisdom, it's common courtesy to give a full month's notice before you quit!
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Father: Since the beginning, the world has always been the same. Believers are played for fools. Life isn't worth much. The weak are oppressed. If you lose, you die. If you win, you get to live. The animals. The insects. Even the grass and flowers are in a savage fight for survival. And I really...really hate the whole business.

Noragami (TV, 2014)

+ 1
Yato: All right! Okay! Fine! Hanki... I release you. Just so you know, as a parting piece of wisdom, it's common courtesy to give a full month's notice before you quit!
+ 1
Yato: I'm supposed to be a god of war. So why am I replacing rubber seals and cleaning out mold for chump change?
+ 1
Yato: Concepts such as right and wrong don't apply to gods. Do you know why? Because every action a god makes is righteous.

Quotes found: 5