my son!
Quotes tagged with trans. Shoko Oono (best)
Edel: May those who accept their fate be granted happiness. May those who defy their fate be granted glory.
Edel: Truth is a shy little thing. If you approach it, it will hide. Truth is a lonesome little thing. If you move away from it, it will give chase.
Duck: Wow, what beautiful eyes. I feel like I'll get drawn in. But they look so lonely.
Rue: She's blessed with beauty, cleverness, and strength, but the thing is, the princess is fated never to be with her prince. The moment she confesses her love, she turns into a speck of light and vanishes.
Narrator: Once upon a time, there was a man who died. The man's work was to write and tell stories, but he could not defy death. The man's last story was about a brave and handsome prince, who vanquishes a crafty raven. But now, their battle will go on for eternity with no end. "I'm sick and tired of this!" cried the raven. "I'm sick and tired of this!" cried the brave prince as well. The raven escaped from within the story and the prince, in pursuit of the raven, did as well. Then, the prince took out his own heart and sealed the raven away by using a forbidden power. Just then, from somewhere, "This is great," murmured the man, who was supposed to have died.
Duck: I'm a duck. I'm really only a bird. But what the prince sees is Princess Tutu in her beautiful dress. It's not me.
Fakir: She couldn't be drowning in there, could she? Can ducks drown? No, knowing her, it's possible.
Duck: I'm not playing hooky. I'm just taking a break. I'm allowed to do that.
Duck: With dancing, the more you practice, the more it becomes fun!
Duck: There are some things that just don't change after a night's sleep.
Edel: Are you afraid of the dark? I see that you are in the darkness of uncertainty. But if you wish to shine for someone, you must not fear the darkness.
Mr. Cat: All right, quiet now. If you do not quiet down, I will have you marry me.
To the students.
Paulo: There are some dreams that won't come true, but there's no rule that says you can only have one dream.
Duck: We've been walking together and talking all this time, so we're already friends.
To Rue.
Duck: If I can be a girl and stay by Senior Mytho's side... Then, someday... Someday, I may be able to put a smile back on his face.
Drosselmeyer: Stories aren't always guaranteed a happily ever after.
Drosselmeyer: There's nothing more boring than a perfect heroine after all.
Narrator: Once upon a time, there was a man who died. The story was interrupted and along with his heart, the prince lost his kindness towards people and even his memories of having fought bravely. And scattered throughout the town, the shards of the prince's heart sought places to settle and found their way into the people's hearts who had voids in them. Among those who were possessed by the shards were some who ended up making their own tales go awry.
Princess Tutu: I'm sorry. I can't save you from the suffering, because all I can do is restore your heart to you.
To Mytho.
Edel: Between a person who continues to dream and a person who's awoken from a dream, who is happier?
Fakir: Mytho is changing. Into a Mytho I don't know.
Narrator: Long ago, there was a warrior. In order to protect his friend, the warrior took his friend's life. Long ago, there was a sword. This sword had continued to fight for the sake of peace. It realized that in order to protect the peace, it had no choice but to kill the one who wielded it. Thus it took its master's life. The warrior and the sword had no choice but to do as they did, but was that really what they ought to have done? Uncertain of the answer even now, they wander aimlessly.
Duck: When I'm Princess Tutu, I can dance any dance I want to. But is that me? Or someone else?
Edel: A flame can illuminate the darkness. But without the darkness, its glow cannot even be seen.
Rue: I've always only had eyes for Mytho. Whether he has a heart or not, it won't change the fact that I love him. And I'll continue to love him. I'm still far from having loved him enough.
Narrator: Once upon a time, there was a sad love that would never be requited. But that alone does not give birth to a story. The man with the task of spinning this tale of love was no longer of this world. The story lives on with the love forever sorrowful. Having lost its storyteller, the story is now wandering in search of its conclusion.
Narrator: Once upon a time, there was a man who died. The man was writing a story about a brave and handsome prince, who vanquishes a crafty raven. When the man died, the raven and the prince escaped from within the story. The prince took out his own heart to seal away the raven, but it was a forbidden power that had been granted solely to the prince. The raven was completely sealed away, but the prince's heart was shattered and the shards scattered all across town. Ever since then, in this town, stories and reality have intermingled, and it became a world where the fantastical was no longer fantastical.
Drosselmeyer: You must never forget that Duck is a duck.
Narrator: Once upon a time, there was a child. For the child, the world was filled with wonder. How? Why? How come? When one mystery was solved, two new mysteries would arise. When two mysteries were solved, four new mysteries would arise. When four mysteries were solved, there would be countless mysteries. In time, the child became consumed by these mysteries.
Paulo: My dream... is to enthrall people all over the world with your dancing. And to do that, I've even thought of the perfect program for you. So, how about it, Paulamoni? Wanna try jumping on the bandwagon of my dream?
Lilie: Your failures are what make you Duck, so don't let it bother you.
To Duck.
Narrator: Once upon a time, there was a girl who loved to dance very much. The girl made the mistake of putting on a pair of red shoes that would force her to dance for eternity once they were on. The girl continued to dance day and night... Oh my. This is a different story. But... Perhaps it is not entirely different after all.
Narrator: Once upon a time, a witch's curse put a princess into an eternal sleep, and one young man appeared, intending to awake her. But a voice whispered, "Awaken the princess from her sleep? What a cruel thing to do." Is the princess not wishing for the kiss of awakening, but rather to continue to sleep forever?
Mytho: When I'm alone, it's so dark and so cold.
Katakura Kojuro: Maybe you're capable of deceiving others, but it looks like you can't fool your own heart. Otani, right now, you're the kindest man alive.
Narrator: Once upon a time, there was a maiden with wings of freedom. The man who loved this maiden thought, "If I could just bind those wings, we would never have to be apart, even for a moment." But when the man wrapped the maiden's wings in a magical shawl, the wings fell off almost immediately and the maiden died. The man did not know that the maiden's wings were her source of life.
Quotes found: 56