my son!
Quotes tagged with trans. Bandai (best)
Spike Spiegel: Whatever happens, happens.
Keiichi Akagi: Getting a record of everything... What does that mean? Simply documenting events as they unfold? Shirasu must have understood what that meant at a time like this. No, that's not it. It meant to take a close, unvarnished look at each person as an individual human.
Keiichi Akagi: A darkness piled on darkness in countless layers... A new labyrinth had opened wide in front of Shirasu. There, beyond the stagnant mystery, the Flag flies in silence.
Keiichi Akagi: Journalists are like hunters who are on the trail of prey. Our cameras are our rifles. We draw a bead on our subject, and we pull the trigger. From a herd of countless moments, we shoot and bag just one of them, then sell it off as a scoop.
Keiichi Akagi: Prayer... Like a small lantern on the prow of a tiny ship sailing the dark seas... it provided a faint, flickering glow to light the way ahead.
Lisa: I guess bombs aren't just scary because they destroy things and lives, are they? For the survivors, they also utterly destroy everything the future once held for them.
Tson: It should be just us old-timers who get sentimental over the past! You keep on snapping away! Keep taking pictures of everything you see around you!
Keiichi Akagi: No matter how huge the event, the instant it loses its ability to spark public interest, it becomes a thing of the past.
Nadi Olowokandi: My country is what they call a "failed state." They call it a country without a future. But even so, that country is my home.
Keiichi Akagi: The camera has been watching. The countless acts of human folly and brutality on countless battlefields... The camera has been watching. The everyday activities of humanity. Their little joys. Their secret hopes. The camera has seen all this, and recorded it. It has recorded these numerous fragments of time. In each of these moments frozen in time, we catch a glimpse of the unvarnished truth. As time marches on, it becomes the past. But those voices from the past... Those moments frozen in time... Those individual photographs have been known to change the course of history. They have also been known to determine the course of a single person's life. And now, once again, a photograph that was taken here... is about to change the world.
Quotes found: 10