my son!
Quotes tagged with trans. Central Anime (best)
Yang Wen-li: A military is a tool. And a bad tool at that. Remembering that, try to be as harmless a tool as possible.
Yang Wen-li: The Empire, with a few nobles ruling the masses, is bad government. The Alliance, with a government chosen by the people, is badly governed. Which one do you think is wrong?
Reinhard von Lohengramm: Genes determine everything? What nonsense. Individuals are not responsible for their genes. Individuals are individuals. Family lines or genetics have nothing to do with the abilities of the individual. People who believe that genes decide everything are truly worthless people who can only do what they are told. People who boast of their ancestry have nothing that they can boast about in themselves. Those people are the ones that I truly disrespect.
Reinhard von Lohengramm: Something that's supposed to die and doesn't... will eventually rot away, whether it's a man or a nation.
Yang Wen-li: There has never been 'permanent peace' in human history. But, there have been plenty of ages with decades of peace. In short, my hope is, haughtily enough, for a few decades of peace in the future.
Reinhard von Lohengramm: Strange, isn't it... When rain is falling, it mysteriously makes the heart heavy. But once it's over, it displays everything beautifully.
Alex Cazerne: It's an absurd luxury to be a bachelor past the age of thirty-one. Don't you think it's unforgivable anti-social behavior?
Yang Wen-li: Has there been some change in the government again? I'd be overjoyed if they told me the Chairman was dead.
Walter von SchΓΆnkopf: When I was six years old, I fled to this free country, brought by my grandparents. It's already been 28 years, but I remember it well. The contemptuous looks of the customs officials penetrating as coldly as the wind, treating exiles like beggars. I probably won't forget it until I die.
Siegfried Kircheis: Although he might forget the names of other commanders, he remembers the names of the members of his fleet. That's the kind of person Admiral Reinhard von Musel is.
Yang Wen-li: In the end, conspiracies or terrorism cannot reverse the flow of history. But they can make it stagnant.
Yang Wen-li: If the defence of our homeland and self-sacrifice are as necessary as you say, before you tell other people do "do this and that", how about if you actually do it yourselves?
Yang Wen-li: By causing a big storm and hiding during the storm, he's never been damaged himself. Before you know it, he'll be exercising even more authority. The thought leaves me panic stricken. And then, I had a nasty thought. What good is democracy if it gives power to a man like that?
Yang Wen-li: For as long as human history goes on, the past will continue to accumulate. History isn't just records of the past. It's also proof that civilization has continued to advance to the present. Our present civilization is the result of our past.
Yang Wen-li: Dictatorship itself isn't absolutely evil, it's just another form of government. The point is how you can run it for the benefit of society.
Reinhard von Lohengramm: I'm afraid one hundred battles can't be one hundred victories.
Friedrich IV: As with the genesis of the human race, there's no reason for the existence of the Goldenbaum dynasty. Just as there is no immortal person, I'm afraid there is also no indestructible nation. The evil truth may be that the Galactic Empire will die out in my era. At any rate, if it is to be destroyed, it should be destroyed as magnificently as possible.
Reinhard von Lohengramm: I cannot lose to anyone. People admire and stay loyal to me because I'm undefeated. I'm not supported because of my bloodline.
Reinhard von Lohengramm: From here on, my battle is not just a matter for the battlefield. Political struggles. Imperial Court struggles. To avoid complications, both unending deceit and murder may be necessary.
Olivier Poplin: Damn it's hard to get a man's clothes off, and there's no reward either.
Olivier Poplin: The entire population of the human race is 40 billion. And half of it is women. Even considering that half of that won't pass the age limit and a further half of that will fail on the account of their looks, there still are 5 billion that are potential targets of my romance. I can't waste even one second.
Enrique Oliveira: Peace and freedom, lacking a sense of tension, cause people to degenerate. It's war that gives people a sense of vitality. War is what makes civilizations advance, and psychologically elevates people! Prolonged periods of peace and freedom will only decrease the vitality in an already decadent age. Doesn't your precious history proves that?
Yang Wen-li: What a wonderful observation. If only there was no one who had lost their life or family to war then maybe I'd even come to believe it. For people who prefer to take advantage of war and try to establish their on profit on other peoples' sacrifices, it's an unusually fascinating idea. And for people who show false patriotism to deceive other people as well.
Yang Wen-li: What a wonderful observation. If only there was no one who had lost their life or family to war then maybe I'd even come to believe it. For people who prefer to take advantage of war and try to establish their on profit on other peoples' sacrifices, it's an unusually fascinating idea. And for people who show false patriotism to deceive other people as well.
Reinhard von Lohengramm: The stars are good. Unmoving, they keep watch over us, forever shining, the only constant left to us.
Paul von Oberstein: As you see, both of my eyes are cybernetic. I had no right to live, as a weakling. If it had been during the reign of Kaiser Rudolf, I would have been killed long ago. Do you understand? I hate them: Kaiser Rudolf, his descendants, and all those influenced by him.
Oskar von Reuenthal: Regardless of the color of eyes or skin the color of blood is the same for everyone, isn't it?
Reinhard von Lohengramm: Reinforcements, is it? Does he think I have a magic jar that gushes forth fleets?
Fritz Joseph Bittenfeld: The goddess of victory is waving her underwear in your faces!
Yang Wen-li: People may need societies, but they don't necessarily need nations.
Yang Wen-li: Kids grow by exploiting adults.
Yang Wen-li: Alcohol is humanity's friend. Can I abandon a friend?
Reinhard von Lohengramm: What criminals need is neither diplomacy nor persuasion. They have neither the ability nor the intention to understand. Only force will enlighten their foolishness.
Yang Wen-li: Humans were drinking alcohol five thousand years ago, and they're still drinking it now. And five thousand years from now, they'll be drinking alcohol. Although it's unlikely that there'll be a human race in five thousand years.
Reinhard von Lohengramm: If that dear friend was still alive, the one before me would not be you, but your corpse.
To Yang.
Paul von Oberstein: I am the only living survivor of the Iserlohn stationed fleet. Just by surviving I am to be punished.
Reinhard von Lohengramm: What do they think people are? Assuming it's a matter of course to rule over them. Stealing from people and insulting people... yet they say it's their privilege to be forgiven?! Those people are corrupt! This empire is corrupt!
Yang Wen-li: Perhaps there is a universal, absolute truth. Perhaps it clarifies every question. But that's beyond the reach of these small hands.
Reinhard von Lohengramm: Kircheis, do you think what was possible for Rudolf is impossible for me?
Yang Wen-li: Anything that hasn't existed since the genesis of the universe needn't survive until the end.
Alexander Bucock: I think it's correct for democratic nations to restrict the power of soldiers. Soldiers shouldn't wield power or authority when they aren't on the battlefield. Also, democracy can't be healthy when the military grows fat by not accepting the criticisms of the government or society thus turning into a nation within a nation.
Walter von SchΓΆnkopf: If the majority of the citizens wish dictatorship instead of democracy, how do you solve such a paradox?
Quotes found: 86