Quotes from Lucky☆Star (TV, 2007)


Lucky☆Star (TV, 2007)

episode 1

+ 1
Konata Izumi: I may look like this, but I have about a hundred friends, and my social and bargaining skills are pretty high, and I join a party every night. With my allies, I work to bring back the glimmer in crystals to prevent the world from falling to ruin, and rescue the kidnapped princess...
+ 1
Konata Izumi: I haven't seen that guy around for a while... Yeah. He was a soldier-type character, but he wanted to raise his combat skills, and he left saying he was going to train in an area with a lot of monsters... And he hasn't come back since. I heard he's camping out in the underground nest. But I wonder if he's all right, acting all hermit-like? Everyone's getting pretty worried.

episode 2

+ 1
Tsukasa: That, and don't forget the sound of the spinning drills! It's so scary!
Konata: But boys might like dentists and stuff, then.
Tsukasa: Why?
Konata: I mean, they say that a drill is like a guy's romantic ideal. I hear they're all about dueling robots that use drills as weapons!

episode 4

+ 1
Kagami: Come to think of it, Konata, you hardly forget stuff like textbooks.
Konata: I'm pretty reliable about things like that. I leave all the textbooks in the classroom in advance.
+ 1
Kagami: S'up? How's your exam studies going?
Konata: I was just cleaning up my room right now.
+ 1
Konata Izumi: There isn't much difference in appearance when you gain or lose a kilogram or two... Why does she look so ecstatic or depressed with a matter of a few kilograms? This is why girls are so...

episode 5

+ 1
Konata: Well, even though it's vacation, I'm going to see our teacher almost every day anyway.
Kagami: Why? You have summer classes or something?
Konata: We form parties in our net game and stuff. Our teacher is a wiz and I'm a tank, so when we pair up and I pull stuff, it's pretty good in terms of both xp and money. Though I'm always the busy one, and all our teacher does is click on one of the AoE skills. The other day, I pulled a ton of mobs only to find our teacher had fallen asleep at the keyboard, and it took me all day to earn my death penalty back...

episode 6

+ 1
Konata Izumi: I heard that this was something that really happened... Someone who works at a certain video software wholesaler finished work for that day, and got on a bus late at night like he usually does. His house was towards the end of the bus route. And so, as he was riding the bus, other passengers started leaving one by one, and he ended up as the only passenger left. The driver mistakenly thought that there was nobody left on the bus... And, can you believe it? He started to sing, in a loud voice, Danzen! Futari wa _______ Cure!

episode 7

+ 1
Kagami: There's been more and more spam lately. It's a pain.
Konata: Oh, you should change your text address to something that isn't too obvious. I changed mine too.
Kagami: Something that isn't obvious? Like what?
Konata: My address is iluvgirlsinglasses in English characters. I would have preferred something like "maid", but addresses like maid-san and miko-san are so popular that...

episode 8

+ 1
Miyuki Takara: Come to think of it, when I went to an amusement park the other day, I had thought I was lining up for one of the rides, when I actually was in line for the restroom.

episode 10

+ 1
Konata: Oh, wait, I'm being paged. Hold on. ... He scolded me for talking too long on the phone.
Kagami: Oh, sorry. I thought your house was rather laid-back with that stuff. But is it actually pretty strict?
Konata: No, we're in the middle of a fighter-game match.

episode 11

+ 1
Konata: I went to Asakusa the other day.
Kagami: Oh? When did you go?
Konata: Trains in the winter make you drowsy, you know?
Kagami: She slept past her destination?!
Tsukasa: Wait... But isn't that in the opposite direction?
Konata: Apparently, I slept too long, so it doubled back from the final stop, and I slept past my station again. And when I came to, it was Asakusa.
+ 1
Konata Izumi: My dad, when he went to deliver his script after an all-nighter, got on an early train, overslept all the way to the final stop, then the train made a U-turn, and before he knew it, he had overslept again. He went back and forth many times. He eventually woke up closer and closer to the destination station, but he would always sleep past it by a very close margin... He was so tired that he just wanted to come home and sleep, but he couldn't manage to make his way home. And in the end, when he woke up with a start, he couldn't figure out which direction he was heading at the time.

episode 15

+ 1
Kagami: Did you tell a lie to someone today, Tsukasa?
Tsukasa: Yeah.
Kagami: That's unusual. What kind of lie?
Tsukasa: Just now, when I said I told a lie, that was a lie.
+ 1
Konata Izumi: I remember jotting memos on my notes earlier during class, because I thought I needed to remember it, since it was important, but since I was half asleep, I don't know what I wrote down.

Quotes found: 15