Quotes from Dragon Ball (TV, 1986)



Dragon Ball (TV, 1986)

episode 8

+ 2 –
Bulma: Where did you go?
Son Gokū: Rabbits belong on the moon, of course!

episode 54

+ 2 –
Master Roshi: A couple billion Zeni...?! Even if I went to a strip club everyday, I wonder just how many years it would take to use it all up...

episode 64

+ 1 –
Tai Pai Pai: You sure think highly of yourself for a cat...!
Karin: You sure think highly of yourself for an assassin...

episode 100

+ 1 –
Master Roshi: To think he was capable of the Kikoho... It's a tremendously destructive technique. Many times more so than the Kamehameha. But because it's so powerful, the user can die due to intense energy loss. Even if you don't die, it will still shorten your life span.
+ 2 –
Son Gokū: If you can have four arms, then I can have eight!

episode 101

+ 1 –
Master Roshi: Luck is also part of one's skill.

episode 111

+ 1 –
Master Roshi: I can't spend my time watching dirty videos with someone like you around!

episode 128

+ 1 –
Puri: What's a Kami-sama?
Bavaro: Kami-sama's Kami-sama.
Puri: So what's a Kami-sama?!
Cooky: He's a wonderful person!
Crepe: More wonderful than Daddy?
Cooky: You could say that.
Donuts: More wonderful than Mom?
Choco: No, he's less than her!
Donuts: Wow! Mom's really wonderful!

episode 138

+ 1 –
Piccolo: I somehow get the feeling it won't be so easy for me to conquer the world.

episode 146

+ 1 –
Master Roshi: That's Goku for you. It would seem the world isn't particularly important in his eyes. Beating opponents who are strong enough to excite him is all he wants.

episode 148

+ 1 –
Kami: Son. You were trained by an exceptional master.
Gokū: Though he is a little perverted.

episode 150

+ 2 –
Mai: The man whose face strikes fear in the hearts of even the worst evildoers!
Shu: Robbery! Tattle-telling! Speeding! Blackmail! Stealing other people's food!
Mai: He'll do anything if it's for money!
Shu: His name: Mister Pilaf Daimao!

Quotes found: 12