Quotes tagged with "knowledge" (best)

knowledge  ·  science, study

Maomao: My ability to learn about things I'm not interested in is below average.
Makoto Shishio: These wounds have taught me so many things that have seeped into my body. "Trust leads to betrayal." "Drop your guard, and you'll be killed." "Kill before you're killed." That, and "women will flock to a really good guy, no matter what he looks like."
Mayuri Kurotsuchi: There is nothing in this world that is truly "perfect". Though it may be a rather large cliché, it is still the truth. It is the ordinary people who look up to "perfection" as an ideal and seek after it. But in truth, what is this idea of "perfection" truly worth? Nothing. Not a single thing. I detest "perfection". To be "perfect" is to be unable to improve any further. There would be no scope for "creation", not a single gap in one's knowledge or one's ability. Do you see now? To true scientists like you and I, "Perfection" is tantamount to "despair". We aspire to reach greater levels of brilliance than ever before, but never, never, to reach perfection. That is the paradox through which we scientists must struggle. Indeed, it is our duty to find pleasure in that struggle. In other words, the second you allowed yourself to spout a ridiculous word like "perfect", in truth, you had already been defeated. That is if you wish to be treated as a scientist.
Kisame Hoshigaki: Do you want to know something interesting? Some sharks are ovoviviparous which means the eggs hatch inside the female's body, then are born. However, with some kinds of sharks, the numbers of eggs that hatch don't match up with the number of pups born. Do you know why? Cannibalism. When the eggs hatch, the pups resort to cannibalizing their siblings in the mother's belly. From the moment they are born, the fratricide begins. Other than itself, every other pup is fodder.
Aston Collins: What do you think the duty of a scientist is?
Julia Silverstein: I believe it's to assess and decipher what's true and what's not.
Aston Collins: But truth is only true when it's recognized as true by everyone. Truth obtained by just one person is nothing more than someone's ridiculous opinion.
Mayu Oba: Techniques and knowledge are powerful weapons. But if you don't use them right, your art will lack punch. You have fewer weapons than non-first timers, but at the same time, you are unburdened and lithe. That's the strength of new graduates. The key is trial and error, trial and error, and trial and error. Just do your best.
Masako Saeki: Try to put aside the idea of failure. When you do, the skills and knowledge you've learned until now, along with this work, will all stand by your side.
All Might: It's hard being a teacher...
Toru Amuro: I'm enjoying it. I learn a lot from everything I do. It all helps me get closer to reaching my goal.
Mavis Vermilion: Knowledge is wonderful. If you learn a lot about various subjects, you'll never be at a loss in any situation, and you'll be able to do things you couldn't before. You can even understand the feelings of people you've never spoken to, from countries you've never been to.
Manta Oyamada: Shaman or not, he's so full of himself. He doesn't even study, listens to whatever music he likes, stares at the stars, and stares at rivers... I really wish I could do those things too.
About Yoh.
Katsuo Aihara: Do you think anything has changed in the history of war since ancient Roman times? People have always tried to force their beliefs on others, so they take turns invading and being invaded. People don't change for the better. The only things that have changed are science and technology, so the only progress you see is in weaponry.
Rei Furuya: We all screw up now and then. The important thing is to learn from it and do better next time.
Matamune: There's no sense in stuffing your head with things that don't interest you. All the same, Yoh, you need to know this one thing. Always choose the right path forward with your heart.
Yatora Yaguchi: When it came to work and play, I always went all in. Though that didn't make them feel any more real. But when I expressed myself to others through painting, it was like the first time I ever really talked with people.
Hikari Tsutsui: I live because looking down on those who don't study, keeps my spirit in balance.
Mayu Oba: Teaching is hard. Even though I'm raising three sons, the goal of art is different from person to person. You have to figure out your goal and how to get there by yourself. I can give advice, but even I don't know where they'll end up. ... It's exciting. I'm eager to find out how they will change in the next 120 days.

Quotes found: 17