Quotes tagged with "look" (best)

look  ·  appearance

Gabimaru: You, girl. If you're embarrassed about your scars, then... don't be.
Sagiri: Sometimes women don't have that option.
Gabimaru: I disagree. I know a woman with a large scar, but there's no one more beautiful than her. Appearances don't matter.
Ryuji Ayukawa: Is there something not normal about wanting to look cute? To look pretty? What's not normal about a man wanting another man? But underneath it all... Maybe my wants are the only things that protect me.
Beelzebub: Get a load of those stupid outfits, Thief.
Thief: Yeah. Reminds me of your style, Prince.
Ryunosuke Umemiya: Sushi chef or Shaman, as long as it makes me look cool! Because cool gets the girls!
Kenta: Hey! How's it hanging, Auntie? You've gotten bigger since I last saw you!
Okane: Idiot! That's my line!
Kazuya: You missed my face that badly? Okay, have a good look!
Nana: You've got a pimple!
Duck: Wow, it's so pretty.
Lilie: Totally unlike Duck.
Pike: Oh, she got depressed.
Lilie: Oh, no, did she really get depressed? How cute!
Marin Kitagawa: So he's good looking... Whatever. I can't handle people like that. I mean, I've the got the straps! I'm obvs a fan! It's like... It's not cool to make fun of the stuff people are really into, you know?
In reference to a guy rejected by Marin.

Quotes found: 8