Quotes tagged with "problems" (best)

problems  ·  difficulties, troubles

Chisato Nishikigi: Our job is to help those who are in trouble!
Keith Kazama Flick: Emergencies are part of the process. In the past, we tried to prevent emergencies before they happened. That was our mistake. That's why we failed. Trouble and unexpected factors are both inevitable and essential! They have to be surmounted. Each one has a purpose. They always lead to something.
Orona: Has killing anyone ever eased the pain in your heart, sad little boy who forgot his smile? Try laughing. Laughter is a wind. The only way to blow away the darkness in your heart is to laugh and forget about it.
To Joco.
Anna Kyoyama: Honestly! Everyone's such a pain in the ass. If you've got a problem, don't just talk. Do something about it!
Maki Kuwana: Even if you're really good at art, and even if you do it for a long time, or you love it to death... If fighting for it becomes too painful, then it's okay to walk a different path. Choosing to make things easier for yourself is actually pretty hard to do.
Ruri Aoki: Why's high school gotta be so brutal? I miss one measly week, and all of a sudden everyone's speaking an alien language.

Quotes found: 6