my son!
Quotes tagged with "adult" (best)
adult · adulthood
Wanner: I love how you can just hang your friend out to dry. Very mature and good!
Hachiman Hikigaya: Hey! I'm really grown up! I grumble, I tell filthy lies, I do underhanded things...
Ren: If you adults are so powerful, why do you pin your hopes on children?
Mikihisa: Because we can see our own ceilings. Everyone becomes aware of it one day once they've grown up. The ceiling looming over their heads represents their own limits. And the older you get, the closer it comes, each stain and smudge getting ever clearer.
Mikihisa: Because we can see our own ceilings. Everyone becomes aware of it one day once they've grown up. The ceiling looming over their heads represents their own limits. And the older you get, the closer it comes, each stain and smudge getting ever clearer.
Ko Yamori: I'm still a kid. I don't know how the adult world works. I know there are a lot of things I don't understand yet. But this isn't normal adult stuff. Is it? You can't let your boss push you around any time of the day or night! It's 2:00 A.M.! And if we don't fit in, we might as well have fun, right?
Takumi Fujiwara: Until you have a real job, you're still a child.
Quotes found: 5