Quotes tagged with "mistakes" (best)

mistakes  ·  errors, failures

Ito: What is that?
Mikatan: Isn't it obvious? It's Yakushimaru Ritsuko. Oh, I mean, a Christmas tree.
Yuta: How do you make that mistake?
Yatora Yaguchi: The art I see in my head always looks so damn cool. But with every stroke I lay down, one, after another... I ruin my art, more and more.
Mayu Oba: Techniques and knowledge are powerful weapons. But if you don't use them right, your art will lack punch. You have fewer weapons than non-first timers, but at the same time, you are unburdened and lithe. That's the strength of new graduates. The key is trial and error, trial and error, and trial and error. Just do your best.
Masako Saeki: Try to put aside the idea of failure. When you do, the skills and knowledge you've learned until now, along with this work, will all stand by your side.
Kazami: Do you know what, I don't think I've ever seen you make a mistake.
Rei: Of course I have. For example... like that time, uh...
Kazami: Forget it.
Rei Furuya: We all screw up now and then. The important thing is to learn from it and do better next time.
Lilie: Your failures are what make you Duck, so don't let it bother you.
To Duck.
Kaburagi: The world... needs bugs.

Quotes found: 8