Quotes tagged with "funny" (best), page 2

Tae Shimura: The most dangerous moment in hunting is the moment you've captured your prey. The bigger the prey, the more you let your guard down. Go read "Hunter x Hunter" volume 3, before you try and take us on, old hags.
Kagura: Where's Gin-chan? Is Gin-chan still asleep? Shall I wake him up?
Shinpachi: No, never mind. Gin-san's in kanashibari.
Kagura: Kanashibari? What is kanashibari?
Shinpachi: It's a ghost paralysis. You're awake, but your body can't move. It's a very convenient state for the animators.
Kagura: Convenient?
Shinpachi: Seems all the anime staff are taking a trip to Kinugawa Hot Spa, so they were talking about creating a 30-minute "Gin-san Meets Ghost Paralysis" episode.
Isao Kondo: We were probably blending rap and rock to sing for peace on Earth.
Puri: What's a Kami-sama?
Bavaro: Kami-sama's Kami-sama.
Puri: So what's a Kami-sama?!
Cooky: He's a wonderful person!
Crepe: More wonderful than Daddy?
Cooky: You could say that.
Donuts: More wonderful than Mom?
Choco: No, he's less than her!
Donuts: Wow! Mom's really wonderful!
Jet Black: That's really unique, Faye. That a mughshot or your version of Picasso?
About Faye's composite sketch.
Malen: You're one of the ballet students...
Duck: Well, I'm really bad at drawing pictures.
Malen: That's because you're in ballet.
Duck: I'm bad at ballet too, though.
Aki: This place has good coffee.
Denji: Oh yeah? I've never had coffee before. Gross! This stuff is muddy water!
Power: What a fool! A kid wouldn't appreciate the taste of coffee! (...) Hrlp...! Ditchwater!!
Aki: Shut up! Be quier inside the restaurant!
Denji: Hey! You tricked us! This is mud!
Power: 'Tis ditchwater you drink!!
Hatsuka: You talk tough and make dirty jokes because you don't know how to be honest about your feelings.
Nazuna: That's... not it... The truth is... I love dirty jokes!!
Hatsuka: Not the big confession I was hoping for...
Himeno: To be honest with you, everybody's getting pretty worn down.
Power: I'm bored, so I was thinking up a Nobel Prizewinning invention! If I win a Nobel Prize, humans will grovel before me! And then I'll use my Nobel Prize as a steppingstone to become prime minister! I want to watch humans suffer... So my first act as prime minister will be to implement a 100 percent sales tax!
Denji: She seems the same as always to me.
Himeno: Oh. That's... good then.
Beerus: His singing and dancing were both terrible. He'd be a fair match for you, Whis.
Tai Pai Pai: You sure think highly of yourself for a cat...!
Karin: You sure think highly of yourself for an assassin...
Vegeta: Back then I definitely exceeded you!
Goku: Yeah, without a doubt! Next time when we're fighting someone strong, I'll ask them to hit Bulma!
Kami: Son. You were trained by an exceptional master.
GokΕ«: Though he is a little perverted.
Vegeta: When I was on Earth, I learned something interesting from them.
Cui: What, how to run away quickly?
Konata: Oh, wait, I'm being paged. Hold on. ... He scolded me for talking too long on the phone.
Kagami: Oh, sorry. I thought your house was rather laid-back with that stuff. But is it actually pretty strict?
Konata: No, we're in the middle of a fighter-game match.
Kagura: Kintama!
Shinpachi: Kagura-chan, girls shouldn't say that word.
Kagura: Okay then, how about golden ball?
Shinpachi: That's not good either.
Konata Izumi: I remember jotting memos on my notes earlier during class, because I thought I needed to remember it, since it was important, but since I was half asleep, I don't know what I wrote down.
Monkey D. Luffy: She said she was gonna destroy Fishman Island because you don't have any candy! She's nuts! I mean, I could understand if it was meat! Right?! But relax! I said I'd fight back!
Misato Katsuragi: This is your home so feel free to take advantage of everything that's here, except of course of me that is.
Beerus: Whis, how long will it take to get there?
Whis: Roughly 26 minutes.
Beerus: About the length of an episode of TV anime, huh?
Jaken: I want to shrink away every time we're attacked.
Rin: If you shrink any more, you'll disappear, Master Jaken.
Mr. Satan: Hey, you there!
Dr. Brief: Yes?
Mr. Satan: Quit slacking off and get me some booze. You can have my autograph later as payment.
Komatsu: Something's there... Z-Zombie-san?
Zonge: It's not Zombie, it's Zonge-sama!
Komatsu: Good job making it out of there alive. Or are you really a zombie...?
Mutta Nanba: First, you see the big guy over there? He's athletic, with plenty of muscle, as you can see. He likes to act cool and play the tough guy. However... His cell phone wallpaper is a cat.
Hachiman Hikigaya: Well, worst case, I get serious. When I get serious, groveling and even boot licking is no problem.
Kagura: Sounds like Rocky.
Gintoki: She's playing a Rocky-ish theme.
Kagura: It's similar, but...
Gintoki: It's the stuff adults worry about, you know, like getting into trouble if you use the real theme. But why Rocky?!
Gengai: Just hearing it motivates you.
Miroku: On the way over here I thought of a strategy to keep the demon from choosing you all as brides. The demon only chooses single girls. In that case... Miss? Will you have my baby? Then the demon won't want you!
Turtle Hermit: Shall I take a look at her?
Son Gohan: Can you help her, Turtle Hermit?
Turtle Hermit: I'll give her CPR!
Olivier Poplin: Damn it's hard to get a man's clothes off, and there's no reward either.
Olivier Poplin: The entire population of the human race is 40 billion. And half of it is women. Even considering that half of that won't pass the age limit and a further half of that will fail on the account of their looks, there still are 5 billion that are potential targets of my romance. I can't waste even one second.
Hachiman Hikigaya: Hey! I'm really grown up! I grumble, I tell filthy lies, I do underhanded things...
Shinigami: You know nothing about my suffering!
Gintoki: I can pretty much guess. You couldn't learn Bankai or something, right?
Hachiman Hikigaya: Well, they say the kanji for "people" is two people supporting each other. But did you ever notice one side is leaning on the other? I believe the acceptance of sacrificing someone is the whole idea behind "people".
Sagaru Yamazaki: How am I supposed to hit on a girl with this hair? I can't play anything beyond a side role in Fist of the North Star.
Taniyama Mai: Not only are you good looking, but you're very smart.
Shibuya Kazuya: Do you really think I'm good looking?
Taniyama Mai: Aren't you? Everyone was making a fuss over it.
Shibuya Kazuya: Hm... You don't have bad taste.
Dende: Um, if we think in the grand scheme of things, all five Saiyans here could be said to have righteous hearts, I think.
Buu: Huh? Even Vegeta?
Vegeta: You're one to talk!
Hachiman Hikigaya: The police don't mobilize until after an incident happens, and it's standard for heroes to show up late. But would anyone condemn them for being late? So, speaking paradoxically, lateness is justice...
Kotaro Katsura: It's not Zura. It's Captain Katsura, dattebayo!
Mutta Nanba: It would have been faster to crunch the numbers in my head! My mental abacus was too realistic! The beads kept sliding around because I was running!
Shippo: Now that's more like the Inuyasha I know!
Inuyasha: Whaddya mean?!
Shippo: Inuyasha deep in thought just isn't Inuyasha!
Myōga: He's right! Don't do something you're not used to.

Quotes found: 398