Princess Tutu (TV) · quote #934

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Narrator: Once upon a time, there was a man who died. The man's work was to write and tell stories, but he could not defy death. The man's last story was about a brave and handsome prince, who vanquishes a crafty raven. But now, their battle will go on for eternity with no end. "I'm sick and tired of this!" cried the raven. "I'm sick and tired of this!" cried the brave prince as well. The raven escaped from within the story and the prince, in pursuit of the raven, did as well. Then, the prince took out his own heart and sealed the raven away by using a forbidden power. Just then, from somewhere, "This is great," murmured the man, who was supposed to have died.


Princess Tutu (TV, 2002) episode 1 · min ~00:00


Quote #934 from Princess Tutu (TV) ~ Narrator

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