Shaman King (TV) · quote #3210

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Iron Maiden Jeanne: Laws are rules for life itself. They are natural and inherent to the universe. The pheasant chick who doesn't heed his mother's word cannot sense danger and will be taken by the hawk. The wicked bloodline of the wolf who abandons mother and cubs will end when those cubs starve to death. In nature, those who break the rules are in the wrong and are doomed. However, human society has become complicated, and people can no longer entrust themselves to nature's providence. That's why they need laws. Absolute laws, divinely enforced. In the 1700 BCE, the human race's first laws were handed down by our God of Justice, Shamash.


Shaman King (TV, 2021) episode 21 · min ~22:00


Quote #3210 from Shaman King (TV) ~ Iron Maiden Jeanne

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